Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

So this morning kind of rocks and I've only been up for half an hour.  I honestly can't think of a better thing to wake up to than a good review.  If Darren Criss brought me french toast and coffee while singing Teenage Dream to me before a cuddle session it would maybe be just as good, but not better.  = D

Day's like today make it seem ridiculously clear that i am indeed a writer.  Today I feel motivated to keep writing, to finaly publish something and just revel in that accomplishment, regardless of how the book actually does.  I've been writing forever, at this point it's a part of who i am.  I get this kind of high when someone likes something i came up with.  When they ask me to write more i can't wait to pump out another chapter just to see what they think. 

As much as I enjoy writing, it won't exactly pay the bills.  There are a lot of things that go hand in hand with being a novelist, such as coulmnist, reporter, even teacher, but the only job i feel i can commit to is surgeon.  Being a surgeon is just so bad-ass.  Blame Greys Anatomy, but blood and guts excite me. 

Being a doctor will definitely rake in the dough, not to mention the amazing benefits and the cool factor.  Being a doctor is handy in a crisis situation, and who doesn't want to be introduced as Dr. Insert name here.  I know i sure do. 

It seems obvious to me which i should go for, but despite myself i'm torn.  4 years of school is bad enough, but 8... wowzers.  That's almost a decade of school.  Would it be worth it?  There's really no way of knowing.  I think yes, but that's a major and expensive commitment.  Am I prepared to sacrifice another 4 years of life, when something i love can be accomplished in half the time?  I don't know.

At the moment i'm leaning towards a career in literature, but i'm still high on the good review, so I may not be thinking clearly.  Questions, Comments, Remarks on the Supermegafoxyawesomehott Darren Criss?  Leave a comment.


  1. You are a nut. Go do something you enjoy...and don't think about the money. Good chance that by the time you become a doctor we will have some form of free healthcare, so you can kiss the $125,000 - $200,000 salary goodbye! Make sure you are in it for the love of medicine!! Not to mention you and scrubs will be a mighty good combination!

  2. lol, thank you jess. i dunno. i can't not think about money. i must be successful. i've been unsuccessful monetarily my whole life, so i need to do well for myself. but i love both of them. i'm so wishy washy on the subject, it's strange. i've got a few years to figure out the big picture though.
